Generic programming-related content - tutorials, walkthroughs and some realizations from a developer
tracing builds in Concourse
what if we could use distributed tracing tools to better understand our builds?
a very quick intro to prometheus
a lightning talk on Prometheus
Retrieving the full path of a process on MacOS (and exploring procfs)
Getting the absolute path of process on a MacOS machine might not be as simple as in Linux.
Passing the results of a command as a file to another script
Bash process substitution can make you not depend on processes expecting input from the standard input. Learn how to supply the result of a script as a temporary filename for another command.
How to minify and bundle assets using Hugo
Hugo Pipes arrived - asset post-processing is now built directly into Hugo. Check out how I made use of CSS minification and bundling to render AMP pages better
Developing eBPF code with autocompletion support
There's no need to lose the great features of a well set up Vim configuration when coding eBPF code.
Nginx HTTP2 Server Push
NGINX just added server push to mainline. Checkout a NGINX HTTP2 server push example using the latest code from source integrating with an HTTP1 Golang web server.
Initializing Grafana with preconfigured dashboards
Grafana v5 is coming with two great features: dashboard and data source provisioning. Checkout how to initialize a dashboard without touching the UI using this new release
Simulating AWS tags in local Prometheus
Going through Prometheus relabelling to emulate an AWS environment locally with Vagrant
How to build and run Concourse CI locally
Get Concourse CI built from source - the first step to contributing to the project.
Should you buffer your writes?
It's common practice to have a buffer between the network and your application. Today I tried to measure how different buffer sizes changes the total time to transfer 1GB of data.
Getting TLS certificates with Letsencrypt and HAProxy
A guide on building and configuring HAProxy from scratch to achieve HTTPS with Letsencrypt certificates
Changing the name of an index in Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch indices can be renamed with two different approaches - Reindex API and Aliases. Checkout out how to rename an Elasticsearch Index using these approaches.
Executing multiple commands in SSH session against multiple machines
It might happen that you need to execute multiple commands against a set of machines via SSH. Check out how to do it programmatically.
Why my Ubuntu container doesn't execute profile scripts?
Making use of the login flag to make sure bash executes profile.d scripts.
LVM on loopback devices
An actionable guide on how to use LVM without formatting physical disks and just using loopback devices
Minimal Golang Makefile
Having build many Golang projects I came with a minimalist makefile that might work for you. If you're looking for a starter Makefile for Go, here you go.