Getting things done with shell - tutorials, code samples and more.
tar and permission bits
exploring how tar deals with uid and gids when archiving and extracting under different types of users
Passing the results of a command as a file to another script
Bash process substitution can make you not depend on processes expecting input from the standard input. Learn how to supply the result of a script as a temporary filename for another command.
Measuring HTTP response times with cURL
Without getting out of your current shell and installing other utilities, give cURL a try to measure response times - it can do it.
Shell: replacing a variable with the contents of a file
How to create a poor man's templating engine using AWK
Shell: how to add a prefix to the output of multiple commands
Executing multiple shell commands in continuous integration might become hard to read. Check out how to prefix command executions using bash.
Forcing (from inside) the redirection of all outputs of a bash script to a file
Using exec to redirect force redirection from within a bash script.